Valuation Service:
Appraisal, Provenance, Research, Insurance, Bequests, Auctions

All formal full appraisals are presented on signed and dated letter head with embedded photo, full description, researched provenance & ethnography, current market valuation for sale, auction, estate or insurance purposes.

After appraisal valuation advice for private sale, conservation and restoration recommendations is free & sans any additional consideration.

For ethnographic & fine art pieces not on commission the schedule of fees for full standard appraisal valuation document provision
is $185 per piece.

Fee for complex matters, dispute resolution and Court hearings on Application please.  Complex matters include, works sans provenance, protracted research, travel, authentication, auction history, urgency, court evidence, documentation preparation photography.

Fees are negotiable for large collections & appraisal valuations on simple current market value and verbal advice.

Fees are refundable if items are accepted or consigned to the Gallery for sale or replacement.

Commission on sales through the gallery is a flat 20%.


Arthur Beau Palmer AD Fine Art (QCA) MRQAS
+61 (07) 3876 0115 Mob: 0418 845 515

President Emeritus Royal Queensland Art Society (Hon)2004 - 2006
Lord Mayor's Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee (Hon)
Past President BBC Old Collegians Assoc(Hon)
Uni of Qld Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee (Hon)
Chief Pilot / Senior Consultant Year of the Outback 2002

Appointed as an Expert Examiner under the Protection of Moveable Cultural Act 1986
Cultural Property Ministry for the Arts
Federal Department of Communications and the Arts
Part 1. Objects of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage
Part 5. Objects of Fine or Decorative Art

Approved to value the following classes for the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Programme:
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander material culture and contemporary art, Arnhem Land Aboriginal Bark Paintings (19thC to present), Aboriginal Hermannsburg watercolours (1930s to present), Pacific (Melanesian Papua New Guinea, Solomons & Islands, Polynesia & Micronesia), African, Asian, American Indian material culture, Australian Early and Modern Fine Art, International Aviation Art, Trench Art WWI & WWII.

Consultant Investment Fine and Tribal Art
Approved Registered Valuer (Commonwealth AVO and Queensland Public Trustee)
Appraisal, Provenance, Research, Insurance, Bequests, Auctions
Aboriginal, Pacific, Asian and African Art/Artifacts
International Aviation and Australian Fine Art.



Aboriginal, Papua New Guinea, Pacific Polynesian Islands, Maori & Oceanic Fine Tribal Art, Native Artefacts & Material Culture - Valuation, Appraisal, Sales and Purchase

Established Brisbane, Queensland Australia 1977

AD Fine Art (QLD)


A.B.N. 78 088 240 576




OTHER FINE EXAMPLES OF TYPE AVAILABLE from Gallery stock (unlisted & unphotographed)

Thank you for your patronage.  Trust you enjoyed your visit.  All the best Arthur 

Phone: +61 [07] 3876 0115
Mobile: 041 8845 515
Blog: a discussion forum hosted by Arthur Palmer -
Advice for Trading & Collecting Tribal Art for Profit, Passion & Pleasure
eBay trader name ID: arthur-beau-palmer-artifacts
Postal Mail & Gallery Address: 9 Cross Street TOOWONG BRISBANE QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA 4066